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About The Founder

Founder of Live Life to Live Well: Xinyi Dong

Hello, my name is Xinyi Dong, that's pronounced "Zin-ee Dong", in case you were wondering.


Now, I know this is usually where I put up a photo of myself, but I am WAY too self-conscious about having a photo of me online, especially if it's on a website, I'm sure many of you can understand, if you are looking at this website for the reasons I suspect. 


So, where to start? Ah yes, I'm essentially just your average depressed teenager looking to fill a need online. Being depressed isn't fun, and I know that firsthand, so I got to thinking: Why don't I start a website to help other people avoid depression?


Great idea, right?


Sadly, it's easier said than done. I'm going to be looking at a lot of unfamiliar people as I recount what NOT to do if you're having social issues. For me, that's going to be tough, because I have no idea what your triggers are or if any of my jokes may accidentally set someone off.


Regardless, that's me in a nutshell, welcome to my website.

Explore Mindfulness With Me

Mental Health Management Posts

Every so often, a new article will be posted by me or one of my friends on how you guys can manage your own mental health. Don't worry, we may not be professionals, but you'll be in good hands. Especially since a lot of us will be speaking from experience.

Ask Timeless Anything

I'm sure you've already seen the introductory statement that he made on the homepage, but a buddy of mine is making an ask blog. Unlike me, though, he doesn't even want his name to be on this website, so he just goes by Timeless. He also thought it'd be a good idea to answer your questions with hints of roleplay to keep you guys entertained, so for those of you who are gullible enough to believe him, don't. He's not actually an overlord of time and space. That said, he's quite callous, so he will mock you, if given the chance. Not that he actually means anything by it, don't worry.

Do You Need Anything Answered?

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Live Life, Live Well

Help for one, Help for All

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