Well, here's the first weekly post for this website. Since not many of you actually asked me anything, I'm going to be answering a few questions that were asked to The Founder by his... acquaintances... in real life.
"My friend just got a boyfriend, and now she won't even acknowledge my existence. Am I really that worthless?"
Oh, dear, no. You're not worthless at all! If anything, that lousy person who calls herself your friend is the lousy one! Man, I wish I could just open a rift in the space-time continuum and torture an alternate version of her for the rest of her foreseeable future, but I digress.
All jokes aside, the way I see it, 'worth' as it is defined by you humans doesn't truly exist. No one being has a predetermined amount of 'worth'. Your 'worth' fluctuates throughout your life, just like the flow of time fluctuates throughout the multiverse.
That being said, if your friend is ignoring you simply because she got a new friend, best case scenario: Your friend just doesn't know how to allocate their time between you and her boyfriend. Worst case scenario: She's a fake friend and you should probably drop her.
It's your call, but make sure to observe before making a decision. Running down a path without checking what's on it is foolish. Make sure you do your research, because if you screw up and ruin that relationship forever, this overlord ain't gonna help you out.
"I've been getting this weird feeling lately, it's as if every time I enter a room, all eyes are locked onto me and never leave. Am I crazy?"
Crazy? Probably not. Paranoid? More likely. I mean, think about it for one moment. Why would anyone want to stare at someone from when they enter the room until they leave the room? One, it's a complete waste of their time when they could be doing something productive, like, I dunno, organizing paperwork for a student council meeting or something. Two, it's tedious as all hell. Trust me, I've watched people for extensive periods of time, and even with a motive clear in mind, I cannot say that it was not boring.
Look, I get it. When someone seems different from the others, it seems like all people can do is watch. However, this is a different scenario, isn't it? You specifically said 'Every time you enter a room', meaning there has to be people familiar with you too. I don't believe that you would be willing to doubt your friends and family. Even in the off-chance that you do, if people truly care about you, they wouldn't watch you constantly unless you're in some kind of dangerous position and they wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt.
My advice? Embrace the gazes on you, even if they aren't actually there. Or, alternatively, get some therapy. If you're willing to, that is, because that paranoia isn't going to leave you unless you get professional help.
"My friends and I are slowly drifting apart. I've been meaning to talk to them, but I never get the chance to strike up a conversation with them. What do I do?"
Ah, now here's a question that isn't filled with all that frickin' drama. I've seen cases like these before. When your friends don't have the same interests that you do, and you all get busier and busier, you tend to drift apart quite easily.
Yep, yep. I've seen it quite a few times, heck, I've had it happen to me in a few life cycles. Honestly, in a situation like this, it may be better to let go of the friendship, depending on the situation. If you adamantly refuse to let go of your friendships, nothing I can really say to change your mind.
Here's a good rule of thumb to help you decide whether or not to drop your friends: If they aren't willing to stand up for you, comfort you, or encourage your during your times of need, they're probably not going to be very good friends anyway. Friends help each other. You can't have a give-take relationship, that's just exploitation. Believe me, you do not want that kinda relationship. At all.
Well, that's all the questions we had today.
Timeless out.